
Ms. Irba Shafqat

President, Young Muslims Edmonton
Irba Shafqat is in her third year of Nursing at MacEwan University. She has had the honor of being the president of the YM Edmonton chapter for the last two years. From a young age, she has been passionate about public speaking and presenting, particularly in her madrassah, where she regularly delivered presentations on various Islamic topics to an audience. These early experiences helped her build confidence and refine her speaking skills. In addition to this, she had the opportunity to conduct Halaqas, further deepening her ability to lead and speak in front of others. Throughout junior high and high school, she actively performed poetry she wrote and took on the responsibility of doing the morning announcements, allowing her to develop a well-rounded ability to engage with audiences in diverse settings. These experiences have shaped her communication abilities and instilled in her a love for public speaking.

Saturday 12th October

Weaving Pure Threads: Aligning Our Niyah

Hall 2B (Young Muslims Sisters)