Our Delegation Visit to Burma – 2015

The delegation of ICNA Relief Canada comprised of Br. Tahir Alvi (Board Member) and Br. Shaukat Hussain (Executive Director) arrived at the Burmese refugee camps in Langsa, Aceh on July 8, 2015. There were more than 1,700 people in these camps. They were previously stranded on boats for months and were recently rescued by the local fishermen. This trip was planned to serve the most ignored Rohingya community, as well as to monitor the projects/programs being implemented through our local partners in Indonesia and Burma.

With the help of local partners, our team distributed Ramadan Food Packages among the refugees. The team listened to the horrifying stories of these migrants and how they were able survive without food. It was told that many died in the waters. Only 2 boats were rescued while 8 are still missing in the Indian ocean.

There are no educational or healthcare facilities for the people of Burma. They are counting on your generous donations and support. ICNA Relief Canada humbly requests all its donors to please share their blessings with their Muslim brothers and sisters in Burma during this blessed month of Ramadan. The lives of these people vastly depend on Allah’s mercy and your continued support. ICNA Relief Canada will remain committed to providing the Rohingya Muslims with necessary items for survival, insha Allah.

UPDATE: JULY 11, 2015


The following is a detailed description of the situation in Burma as reported by our visiting delegation.

Muslims (40% of total population) of Arakan State have been kicked out of their towns and cities. They are confined in camps (open fields) under strict curfew from 3:00 PM until morning. These camps have become prisons for 200,000 Muslims surrounded by the Myanmar Army on 3 sides, and the sea on the other. Only a limited access of food, water and shelters have been granted to a very few relief organizations under a strict government monitoring. There has been a severe lack of food, basic healthcare and hygiene facilities. Many are dying of hunger and diseases on daily basis. It was reported that over 100,000 had been killed in the recent riots since June 2012.

Almost all of the mosques had been burned down. We witnessed the young monks playing soccer in one of the burned Mosques in Sitwe city. It is feared that the people of these camps may face another round of killings to finish them once for all. We were requested to convey their message to humanity, especially Muslims of the world to save them from the anticipated genocide for the sake of Allah. Their children are not allowed to attend any of the schools. They do not have access to basic medicine. Their tears did not stop while mentioning that they were the people of Arakan Sate for many centuries. The last government ID issued to any Muslim was somewhere in 1982. They have no identity. Could we respond to their call and play our role to stop this massive genocide?

Donations can be made online through our easy 3 step system, through the phone by calling us toll free at +1 844-997-8777 or locally at (905) 997-8777, or by mailing a cheque to our head office.

If you are unable to donate at this time, then please share this page with your friends and family, as well as with people on social media. The world needs to know how these people are being treated. If you are unable to share this page, then please keep them in your prayers.

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Brooklyn Simmons

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